
In this project, let’s build a Rock Paper Scissors by applying the concepts we have learned till now.

Refer to the image below:

rock paper scissors output

Design Files

Click to view - [Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px)]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Playing View]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Game Results View]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Game Rules View](

Set Up Instructions

Click to view - Download dependencies by running `npm install` - Start up the app using `npm start`

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added
The app must have the following functionalities - When you click on the **Rules** button, it should trigger a popup, and rules image should be displayed - Initially, the score displayed should be `0` - The App is provided with `choicesList`. It consists of a list of choice objects with the following properties in each choice object | Key | Data Type | | :------: | :-------: | | id | String | | imageUrl | String | - When any of the three buttons (i.e Rock, Paper, Scissors) is clicked, then the [Game Results View]( should be displayed - In the Game Results View, the opponent choice should be generated randomly among these three buttons (i.e Rock, Paper, Scissors) - When the **Rock** button is clicked, then the rock image should be displayed as your choice in the Game Results View - When the **Paper** button is clicked, then the paper image should be displayed as your choice in the Game Results View - When the **Scissors** button is clicked, then the scissors image should be displayed as your choice in the Game Results View #### Game Rules
Click to view the Game Rules
rules image
- Game result based on choices - When your choice is **paper** and the opponent choice is **rock**, then the result will be `YOU WON` - When your choice is **scissors** and the opponent choice is **rock**, then the result will be `YOU LOSE` - When your choice is **rock** and the opponent choice is **paper**, then the result will be `YOU LOSE` - When your choice is **scissors** and the opponent choice is **paper**, then the result will be `YOU WON` - When your choice is **rock** and the opponent choice is **scissors**, then the result will be `YOU WON` - When your choice is **paper** and the opponent choice is **scissors**, then the result will be `YOU LOSE` - When your choice and the opponent choice match, then the result will be `IT IS DRAW`
- When the result is `YOU WON`, then the score should be incremented by one - When the result is `IT IS DRAW`, then there shouldn't be any change in the score - When the result is `YOU LOSE`, then the score should be decremented by one - When the **PLAY AGAIN** button is clicked, then the [Playing View]( should be displayed

Quick Tips

Click to view
- You can use `Math.random()` function to get a random number (float value) in range 0 to less than 1 (`0 <= randomNumber < 1`) ``` Math.random() ``` - You can use `Math.floor()` function that returns the **largest integer less than or equal to a given number** ```js console.log(Math.floor(5.95)); // output: 5 ```

Important Note

Click to view
- You can use **reactjs-popup** for displaying the modal - `RiCloseLine` icon from `react icons` can be used for the **close** button at `React Popup` **The following instructions are required for the tests to pass** - **Styled Components** should be used for styling purposes - The Page should consist of three HTML button elements with `data-testid` attribute values as **rockButton**, **scissorsButton** and **paperButton** respectively - In Game Results View, the page should consist of an HTML image element with alt as **your choice** and src as URL for your choice image - In Game Results View, the page should consist of an HTML image element with alt as **opponent choice** and src as URL for opponent choice image - **Roboto** should be applied as `font-family` for **Score** value


Image URLs - []( alt should be **rules**
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #223a5f
Font-families - Roboto - Bree Serif

Things to Keep in Mind